Stop procrastinating and start going after your dreams: it's your time and you are ready.


Stop procrastinating and start going after your dreams: it's your time and you are ready.

Done, not perfect is an online library that gives you the inspiration, mindset hacks, tools and courses so you can break away from time wasting activities and focus on the things that actually matter. It's time to go for it!

Move From Spectator To Main Role

How many times have you had a brilliant idea and did nothing with it? Worse, how many times have you seen others do what you want to do and wonder what is wrong with you?

And here's the kicker....

You still have that inspiration and dream. Why not get yourself into a room (albeit virtual) and show up for yourself and get ‘er done once and for all?

That dream? Could be a business. Or a fit body. Or better relationships.....

Focus Over Shiny Object Syndrome

It’s hard to keep up, isn’t it? What should I do when there is so much choice???? Afraid of missing out, we do it all. And not just that, we change our focus every month and we are onto the next thing and the next thing, that shiny object you saw on TikTok. Trust me, I know it all too well. I am not great at follow through. I like starting projects and variety and adventure, but there is joy in sticking things out.

There is joy in making something work. There is beauty in knowing you are capable and amazing and can do it. Every time we jump onto a new thing quoting some kind of justified and excuse (and sometimes they are just that!!) - we lose belief in ourselves. And that carries into the next thing and the next thing….we ask that you give yourself a chance and get stuff done. Whatever it is.

Breakthrough happens at the edge and overnight sensations occur for people who have been consistently doing the work in silence for years, if not decades. Let’s get it done. We will give you all of the resources you need.

There is power in this and there is joy in showing up for yourself and the feeling of accomplishment when you step away from social media and you finally honor your word.

There is power in this and there is joy in showing up for yourself

Go from dreamer to DONE

We are spending more and more time consuming random content that is fun. And sometimes we need that. But more often than not, days and months and years go by and we watch people get their dreams off the ground and then we consume their content and we wonder what is wrong with us.

Stop watching from the sidelines

Are you the kind of person who needs to have the perfect and cutest outfit to finally get your butt to the gym? Or- the kind of person who needs to have all the information and knowledge before you go after your dreams?

Well, we say done is better than perfect.

While we wait for perfection (aka procrastination), we lose confidence in ourselves to follow through and get stuff done. And it’s in the doing that the magic happen. We say, throw s*** at the wall and let’s see what sticks. And will you make mistakes in the process? You better believe it, but that is precisely what makes GREATS great- they are not afraid to fail.

So, fail my dear one, but get it done. Then get up and go do some more. We mean business.


Done Not Perfect!

Online library that gives you the inspiration, mindset hacks, tools and courses

What is included

Expert Coach Advice

Amazing teachings from an expert coach

Jasna has been teaching and coaching for over 12 years and her experience and knowledge are highly sought after.

Get specific and useful advice about accomplishing your dreams and working hard to finish what you start.



Expert Workshops

Trainings from top experts

We will get amazing workshops with some of the best experts on productivity, wellness, business and more!

On Demand Workshops & Trainings

Get additional workshops

Need additional trainings and support? We will be releasing new videos and trainings into the membership each month! We have trainings about getting organized, social media, scheduling content, creating video content, podcasting 101 and many, many more!

Online Courses Included

If your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self isn’t aligned - you will create drama, disease, unhappiness and inner turmoil. Nothing is worth that misery, so part of the work is the inner work and reconnecting with simplicity of life that gives us insights about what, where and how: the magic of life.

Abundance AND Health

A lot of focus will be spent on abundance in ALL forms and making money and creating freedom….but we are sure as heck be spending lot of time focusing on your mental and physical health. Losing mental health over money is a bigger loss. It’s simply not worth it. The new rich are those who have meaning, who understand the power of relationships and quality time in nature, of adequate sleep and time away from electronics to just be. It’s what Walter Russel calls “awakening the genius within”

About Done Not Perfect

A bit about me and why I started this resource

More than ever my coaching clients are struggling to accomplish the things they set out to do.

The pandemic has messed with our brains and has made it harder than ever to get things done.

I created DNP because some of the most amazing humans I know are not living their dream lives simply because of a lack of follow through. 

I wanted to create a container that was incredibly affordable but one that provided you with everything you need to accomplish your dreams. We bless others when we show up for ourselves and we make ourselves proud when we accomplish what we know we are capable of.

Jasna is a Life and Business Strategist and Motivational Speaker. Her work is based on research in neuroscience and psychology, with emphasis on positive psychology. She believes in re-creating brain pathways to build new beliefs, actions and life patterns. She holds a Master in Public policy and is an experienced sales professional in software business and international consulting.

She is a sought after motivational speaker for organizations such as US Bank, Athleta, Coca-Cola. She was featured on CBS-WCCO as “A Minnesotan to Meet.”

as seen on...

Jasna Burza

What clients had to say about the transformations they had after

working with Jasna

April Seifert, Past Group Coaching Member

"I had the inkling of an idea of something that I wanted to launch for myself. I to some extent, lack of clarity I needed to know I needed a little bit more crystallization around what my idea was going to be.

I have done more in the last three months than I think I probably would have done in 10 months if I would have been on my own"

What if you had a group, a great coach and resources to make it happen?

We are going to get the best and most valuable resources and package them in one place you can use as a resources, but we are going to make sure you DO and show up for yourself and become the lead actor of your own life.

Enough sitting on the sidelines.

This can mean finally losing that weight, it finally writing that book or finally starting that business- whatever it is. The follow through is finally here: tips and how to’d so you don’t get lost, tough love to get up and do and mindset training when you get stuck.

You don't want to miss this

Imagine all the success you will have by getting the support you need to finish your projects and




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